Cadillac SRX Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada/Mexico-9087647) - 2016 - crc - 5/4/15Vehicle Care 315To uncover the remote positive (+)terminal, lift open the access panelon the battery cover indicated bythe (+) sign.1. Check the other vehicle.It must have a 12-volt batterywith a negative ground system.CautionIf the other vehicle does not havea 12-volt system with a negativeground, both vehicles can bedamaged. Only use a vehicle thathas a 12-volt system with anegative ground for jump starting.2. Get the vehicles close enoughso the jumper cables canreach, but be sure the vehiclesare not touching each other.If they are, it could cause aground connection you do notwant. You would not be able tostart your vehicle, and the badgrounding could damage theelectrical systems.To avoid the possibility of thevehicles rolling, set the parkingbrake firmly on both vehiclesinvolved in the jump startprocedure. Put thetransmission in P (Park) beforesetting the parking brake.CautionIf any accessories are left on orplugged in during the jumpstarting procedure, they could bedamaged. The repairs would notbe covered by the vehiclewarranty. Whenever possible, turnoff or unplug all accessories oneither vehicle when jump starting.3. Turn off the ignition on bothvehicles. Unplug unnecessaryaccessories plugged into thecigarette lighter or theaccessory power outlet. Turnoff the radio and all lamps thatare not needed. This will avoidsparks, helping save bothbatteries and the radio.4. Open the hood on the othervehicle and locate thepositive (+) and negative (−)terminal locations on thatvehicle.Open the hood on your vehicleand find the remote positive (+)and remote negative (−) jumpstarting terminals.{ WarningAn electric fan can start up evenwhen the engine is not runningand can injure you. Keep hands,clothing, and tools away from anyunderhood electric fan.{ WarningUsing a match near a battery cancause battery gas to explode.People have been hurt doing this,and some have been blinded.Use a flashlight if you need morelight.(Continued)