Black plate (53,1)Cadillac XTS Owner Manual (GMNA-Localizing-U.S./Canada-6006999) -2014 - CRC - 9/11/13Seats and Restraints 3-53Warning (Continued)Secure rear-facing child restraintsin a rear seat, even if the airbagis off. If you secure aforward-facing child restraint inthe front seat, always move thefront passenger seat as far backas it will go. It is better to securethe child restraint in a rear seat.See Passenger Sensing Systemon page 3-29 for additionalinformation.If the child restraint has the LATCHsystem, see Lower Anchors andTethers for Children (LATCHSystem) on page 3-43 for how andwhere to install the child restraintusing LATCH. If a child restraint issecured using a safety belt and ituses a top tether, see LowerAnchors and Tethers for Children(LATCH System) on page 3-43 fortop tether anchor locations.Do not secure a child seat in aposition without a top tether anchorif a national or local law requiresthat the top tether be anchored, or ifthe instructions that come with thechild restraint say that the top strapmust be anchored.In Canada, the law requires thatforward-facing child restraints havea top tether, and that the tether beattached.You will be using the lap-shoulderbelt to secure the child restraint inthis position. Follow the instructionsthat came with the child restraint.1. Move the seat as far back as itwill go before securing theforward-facing child restraint.When the passenger sensingsystem has turned off the frontpassenger frontal airbag andpassenger knee airbag, the offindicator on the passengerairbag status indicator shouldlight and stay lit when thevehicle is started. SeePassenger Airbag StatusIndicator on page 5-18.2. Put the child restraint onthe seat.3. Pick up the latch plate, and runthe lap and shoulder portions ofthe vehicle's safety belt throughor around the restraint. The childrestraint instructions will showyou how.4. Push the latch plate into thebuckle until it clicks.