Printer Flood Fill Layer Configuration,ONYX software Spot Layer Tool, andVarnish Data Image Preparation.Printer Flood Fill Layer Configuration in an ONYX workflow does not require any pre-rip filepreparation and is the easiest method of achieving white ink output. All that is required is to setup the Layer Configuration to include a printer flood layer. The printer flood layer encompassesthe bounding box (the outer border of the image) of the file being processed. There is also anoption to control the amount of flood by choosing the drop level. The higher the drop levelnumber the greater the amount of white ink.ONYX Software Spot Layer Tool offers many options to process an image, and thus allowsvarious possible configuration choices. You can save these configurations as Filters and placethem in a Quick Set and this makes it possible to re-create with minimal effort settings that areoften used. All work with the Spot Layer tool requires an ONYX media profile with at least onespot colour.White Spot Data Image Preparation requires that the white data be prepared in image editingprograms such as Adobe Illustrator®, InDesign, or PhotoShop®. You must use specific namingconventions and image use protocols in order for the ONYX RIP-Queue software to process thedata as desired. This method may be the best choice if the desired white ink spot data includescomplicated selections or if data is being created for outsourcing. A reasonable level ofproficiency in these programs is recommended to use this technique.All of these methods can also be used either alone or in conjunction with each other to create thedesired output results. For example, you may generate the spot layer information for parts of animage in PhotoShop and then go on to specify a Flood Layer Configuration in ONYX Thrive. Thiscan result in a Flood Layer and a Spot Layer followed by a CMYK Layer. The spot data and theflood will occupy two layers of white density and the CMYK image data can occupy the thirdlayer. You can determine the print order of these layers in ONYX Thrive.Layers can be defined at any of the following locations:• Defined in the media when the media is created - Mode Options• Selected in a Quick Set - Media Options• Modify the printer settings of a processed job in RIP Queue - right-click the job, edit printersettings.You are not required to use layers when you print white spot data. It can also be printed withprint modes other than Quality-Layered.White Ink ApplicationsThe following are some specific examples of the ways that the white ink workflow can be applied.White Ink Layer OptionsApplication Bottom Middle Top NotesBacklit First Surface (printingon the front side of the media)White CMYK CMYK CMYK layers con-tain same data.Backlit Second Surface (print-ing on the back side of clearmedia)ReverseprintedCMYKReverse prin-ted CMYKWhiteDay-Night (First or Secondsurface)CMYK White CMYK CMYK data is re-versed or right-reading 4White Ink Workflow Overview128 Chapter 9 - Manage a White Ink Workflow