Varnish QuickStartIntroductionThis section shows you how to print a simple job with a varnish Printer Flood Fill. The followingsection provides more detail about printing with varnish.PurposeThis exercise will help you get familiar with some of the basic concepts involved when you printimages with varnish.Printing varnish requires an ONYX media profile (media model) that was made with a CMYKSSink configuration with spot colours defined. All print modes are supported except the HighDefinition print mode.Before you beginImport an ONYX media profile that was made using a CMYKSS ink configuration with 2 spotsdefined.NOTESample Media models for varnish are available for download from the Customer Supportsection of our website: These media models are documented later in thischapter (see How to Use Media Models to Print with White Ink or Varnish).How to Print a Simple Job Using VarnishProcedure1. Open an image of your choice using an ONYX media profile that supports spot data (CMYKSS inkconfiguration with spot colours).2. Take the printer offline in ONYX RIP-Queue so the job will not be automatically sent to the printer.3. Process/rip the job.4. Define a printer flood coat.To set up a varnish printer flood, modify the printer settings of a processed job in RIP Queue -right click the job, edit printer settings, then select Print Varnish With: Flood Coat (Printer).Varnish QuickStart166 Chapter 9 - Manage a White Ink Workflow