Empty Ink Waste TraysIntroductionThere are two waste trays. The Purge Waste Tray is located under the Maintenance station. Itcatches ink purged from either Manual maintenance or Automated printhead maintenance. TheSpit Waste Tray is located below the ink spit catcher. It accumulates waste ink from printheadspitting.[93] 1 = Purge Waste Tray 2 = Spit Waste TrayWhen to doEmpty both waste trays weekly.CAUTIONWear gloves when contact with ink or maintenance materials is possible. Gloves should alwaysoverlap sleeves. Follow the ink related Safety Data Sheets (SDS) guidelines carefully in order toensure maximum safety. For example use Ansell Microflex 93-260 gloves, which offer aprotection against UV inks and flush up to one hour. Pollution with other chemicals can shortenthe protection time against UV inks and flush.Wear eye protection as prescribed in this document when performing a task or action in thisarea.CAUTIONUV inks and flush liquids can be harmful if not properly handled. Follow always the Safety DataSheets (SDS) guidelines carefully in order to ensure maximum safety.NOTEAlthough the carriage is oriented so that the nozzles spit into the slots in the spit catcher, someink will find its way onto the flat surfaces. Open the maintenance drawer to check the surface ofthe spit catcher daily. If you see any ink wipe it up with a clean cloth or paper towel.Equipment• Foam Tipped Swab or Cloth-Poly WipeEmpty Ink Waste Trays202 Chapter 11 - Maintenance