COPYRIGHT © 2003 CANON ELECTRONICS INC. CANON DR-6080/9080C FIRST EDITION OCT. 2003 5 - 1CHAPTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTINGI. ERRORINDICATION ANDSOLUTIONS1. Error codesWhen various types of errors occur, thismachine displays the error code on the operationpanel. Error codes consist of three alphanumericdigits. Table 5-101 is a list of the error codes thatcan be handled by the user, and Table 5-102 is alist of the error codes requiring a servicetechnician. If an error handled by the user is notcorrected, the service technician will take care of it.1) List of error codes that can be handled by the userCategory Code Details SolutionsA01 In the event of a pick-up error, the documentwas fed to the front registration sensors.P00 W he n p o w e rin g o n , o r afte r o p e n in g /clo s in gth e u p p e r u n it, a d o c u m e n t re m a in s in s id e .P01 Front or back registration sensor hasdetected a length between papers that isshorter than specified.P02 Front or back registration sensor hasdetected a document length that is longerthan specified.P03 Front or back registration sensor hasdetected a document length that is shorterthan specified.DocumentjamP30 Document jam has occurred at the endorser.Remove the documentjam.C01 Upper unit is open.C02 Imprinter cover is open.C03 Upper unit and imprinter cover are open.C04 Endorser cover is open.C05 Endorser cover and upper unit are open.C06 Endorser cover and imprinter cover areopen.Door openC07 Endorser cover, imprinter cover, and upperunit are open.Close the coverscompletely.Table 5-101a