72Chapter 6 TroubleshootingPaper Feed TroubleIf the document is not fed properly or the detection functions do not worksmoothly, remedy the problem by following the procedures described below.Condition Paper jam has occurred.Cause and remedy • Check the document to see if the size and thickness ofthe document are within the ranges supported by thescanner, and to see if the quality of the document paperis appropriate.For cautions on handling documents, see “Documents,”on p.42.• Document slipping may be causing a paper feed error tooccur.Scan paper one sheet at a time in the Bypass (manual)mode. (See p.50.)• Dirty or worn rollers inside the scanner cause paperjams.Clean rollers if dirty. (See p.81.) Worn rollers must bereplaced. Contact your service reprensentative.Condition The document tray does not rise and makes a“clacking” sound instead.Cause and remedy The weight of the placed document sometimes increasesdue to the environment (e.g., very humid locations) inwhich the document is stored. If this happens, the weightof the paper will exceed the maximum allowed stackedweight even if the number of stacked sheets is below themaximum. This sometimes prevents the document trayfrom rising. Reduce the number of document sheetsplaced in the document tray, and scan the document again.Condition Double feed error occurs even though the documentsare not being double-fed (erroneous detection ofdouble feed).Cause and remedy If the size of the paper on which the patch code sheet iscopied differs from that of the document to be scannedwhen the patch code sheet is used, the scannererroneously judges this to be a double feed, and this erroroccurs. If this happens, turn OFF double feed detection,and scan the document again. Or, copy the patch codesheet on paper of same size as the document, and usethat copy.