COPYRIGHT © 2003 CANON ELECTRONICS INC. CANON DR-6080/9080C REV.0 SEPT. 2003 2 - 29CHAPTER 2 FUNCTIONS & OPERATIONThe document is scanned in thesub-scanning direction basically by changing thefeed speed.In the case of 200 dpi, feed speed is 1.5times that for 300 dpi. In the case of 150 dpi, it istwice the speed, and in the case of 100 dpi,three times the speed used for 300 dpi.Since the timing for reading the data fromthe image sensor (CIS) is the same, theresolution in the sub-scanning direction can beconverted by changing the feed speed. (Refer toFig. 2-504a)For low resolution binary and grayscalemodes (the original data for both is grayscale),the feed speed must be raised excessively high.The feed speed can be increased by raising themotor speed. However, since the motor speed islimited, the feed speed is also limited, andtherefore the thinning-out processing is executedby image processor 1. (Refer to Fig. 2-504b)150dpi, Color300dpi, ColorFeed speed (457mm/sec)Feed speed (229mm/sec)Image sensorSample pointFig. 2-504a150dpi, Binary300dpi, BinaryFeed speed (686mm/sec)Feed speed (686mm/sec)Fig. 2-504b