Transferring Documents9-4Special Sending/Receiving Features97 Press [▼] or [▲] to display the setting you want ➞ press [OK].The SETUP FILE menu includes the following items:OKSetting Description1. FILE NAME Enter a file name up to 24 characters long. Then, press[OK].2. SELECT LOCATIONS Select the numbers of the fax machines where you wantto transfer your documents.TEL = Press a one-touch speed dialing key, or (Coded Dial)followed by a three digit code to enter the number of thefax machine where you want your documentstransferred. The telephone number of the destinationmachine must be registered for one-touch or codedspeed dialing on your machine.3. PASSWORD 0-9999999Enter a password (up to seven digits) to protect thetransfer file settings. Use of a password isrecommended. This password protects the transfer filefrom unauthorized access to your settings. You have toenter this password every time you want to put themachine in the document transfer mode.4. SELECT ORIG UNIT Enables you to set the machine to receive and transferdocuments only from originator fax machines that youdesignate.OFF* All fax transmissions are received and transferred.ON The machine receives and transfers transmissions onlyfrom fax machines you designate by the telephonenumber. The machine checks if the last six digits,excluding spaces and pauses, of the originator'stelephone number match the telephone number youdesignate here.TEL = Press the one-touch speed dialing key or (CodedDial) followed by the three digit code to designate theoriginator fax machine. The telephone number of theoriginator machine must be registered for one-touch orcoded speed dialing on your machine.