Printinq rcpotlsPrintingactivityreportsActivity reports keepltr.a6kof ,the,docut.r.ientsyou sendand receive. Each activityreport shows:. Date and time of transaction- Name and telephonenumber of the party sending orreceivingthe document. Whetherthe transactionwas successfullycompleted.To print activity reports after each transaction you haveto set switchesin the user menus. This procedure iscompletely optional. Follow this simple procedure toset the user switchesIo print an activity i"port at theend of each send and receive transactionMake surethatthe REGTSTRATTONswitchis ON beforeyouregister.Turnit OFFafteryou completeregistration.Press tFTNel-i-OT|l.1 . D I A L S E T U P. TXREPORTmeanstransmissionrepoft. Toprint asending transactionac_tivityreporteverytime you sendadocument,set the A RE?ORTitem on'theuser switchmenuto OUT?UTyES.4 Press [SET].2 PressO.3 Press[sTTt.6 Press ISET].3 . u s E R S WTX REPORTO U T P U T N OO U T P U T Y E S5 Pressthe searchkeys (. , ) to displayOUTPUTYES.DATA ENTRY OKRX REPORT' t 0 3