Reqistaringl your number and name (TT!)8 Pressthe rightsearchkey ' to movethecursorto the nextcharacterposition.. Pross t-Sf A-Fa-ctrlto enter spaces between words.. You can also enter the following symbols as paft of thename:t l Y _ i l ) : ; . : > ? t ' + $ % & ' O , - / @ .JustpressiSTlUEOlfl to displaythe firstsymbol.Pressthis keyto displaythe symbolyou wantto enter,thenpress > to moverightto the nextposition.lf you press ruF7rcW-leT3el afterpressingtSYlv EOI-Sl,you can scrollsymbolsbackwardsbypressingTSTIEOI-SI..You can enter a name up to l6letters long, includingspaces.C A N O N U . S . A -DATA ENTRY OK3 . P O L L I N G I D11 Press fs.r-r-o-F-]and turn the necrsrRATloNswitch oFFto returnto standbV.9 Checkthe namedisplayed.lf you see amistake,presseithersearchkey (< or >)tomovethe cursorleftor rightto the letteryouwantto correct. Then enterthe correctletter.. lfJgy y3lto erase the entire name and start again, pressrcIETF-I.10 Whenyou are finishedenteringthe name,press I-sETl.3 1