P r i r t i r t r l r e p o d sr Printing a report every day at the same timeFollowthis procedureto printan activitymanagemenrreport automaticallyat the same time every day,regardlessof the numberof transactions.Makesure thattheREG/SIRAI/ONswitchis ON beforevouregistor.Turnit OFFafteryou completeregistration.l Presst.trUt.|eTl_o-N_lI . D I A L S E T U P2 PressEt.2 . U S E R D A T A3 Press fsET-].I . E N T E R Y O U R T E L4 Press@.6. REPORT TII',I,E5 Press ts-E-Tl.1 6 : 3 07 PresstsEr-].D A T A E N T R Y O K1 . A , / F S w T I M E8 Press rcfoPl and turn the nrcrsrRATtoNswitch oFFto returnto standbV.. lf a time has already been set, that time is disptayed.6 Usethe numerickeysto enterthe reporttime.. Set fhe time with the 24-hour system.. lf the hour or minute ls a sing/e digit number, precede itwith a 0.. lf you make a mistake,press IET eTE-l and enter thenumber again.. If you enter a number that is beyond the ranges for thehour and minute (23 for hours, Sg for minutes) the fax witlbeep a warning.1 0 7