Rogistoring your numbar and name QTI)Part 2: BEFOREYOU USE THE FAX ...In accordancewith recent amendmentsto the FCC rules governingthe use of facsimileequipment,you are now requiredto includeyourfax number,your name or companyname,the date and time of thefax that you are sendingeach and every time that you send a fax.Pleasefollow the instructionsin this manual in order to set thesefeatures.In this sectionwe will showyou step by step how toregisteryourown name,facsimilenumber,and thecurrentdateand time in the fax.Registrationproceduresinvolvethesethree importantgeneralsteps:. Turningthe REGISTRATIONswitchON. You cannotregisterdata in the fax unlessthis switchis on.. Registeringthe databy followingthe appropriateprocedure.. Turningthe REGISTRATIONswitchOFF.Whenyou arefollowingthe registrationprocedureshereand in othersectionsof the manual,keeptheseimportantpointsin mind:. lf you wantto canceltheprocedureor staftoveragainfrom the beginning,press l-STOF-lto returntostandby.. lf the fax telephoneringswhileyou are registering,press[STdpl, and liftthe handset.lf it is a regularphonecall,go aheadand talkto the otherparty. lfyou heara beep,this meanssomeoneis tryingtosenda documentto you by fax. Pressts r A-FTITOF-fl then hangup the handsetto startreceivingthedocument.25