actlvlty menagomont rePortactlvlty roporta u l o r e d l a l l n gautomatic dialingaulomstlc recelvlngbl{lrectional printingbpsbubble-lotprlntlng systemC N GC o d e d s p o o d d i a l i n g :GiossaryA record of the last 20 sending and recoivingtransactions.Thetimer can be s€t to print out this report at the same time every day.Recordof documents sent and received. Each report includosdateand time ol transaction,nam€ and telephonenumber of thesending or receivingparty, and number of document pages. Thefax can be set up to print out activityreportsevery time it sends orreceivesa document.Vvhenthe remote fax is busy or does not answer,or when an erroroccurswhen sonding,the fax waits 2 minutes and thenautomaticallyrodialsthe samo number. lf there is still no answer,itmakes 1 more attempt afterwaiting for 2 minutes.Dialingnumbers at th€ press of one or a low keys. To useautomaticdialing,you must registerthe fax numbers. \Mth this faxyou have two methods of automaticdialing available: One- touchdialing and Coded speed dialing.Switch to automatic receiving when you are out of the office or notusing the lax as a telephone. Wtrenthe AUTO lamp is on and thoFAVTEL switch is OFF, the fax is in tho automatic receiving mode.Even if paper runs out, the fax automaticallystoresany documentsit rocoivesin the m€mory.The print head prints every time it makes a pass across the page inboth directions. Becausebidirectional printing prints everytime itmoves acrossthe page, it is much {asterthan unidirectionalp r i n t i n g .Standsfor blts per second.Canon'spatentedink iet technologywhich uses an ink cartridgecontaining64 nozzlesthat shoot ink onto th€ paper about 30OOtimes per second.The ink in the nozzls is heated to lorm a bubblewhich {orcesthe ink out of the nozzle. This system is fast, quiet'and produceshighquality, high resolutiondocuments.Stands lor caltingtono. This is a signal sent with facsimiletransmissionsto idsntify tho call as an incoming document. Whenthe receiving fax dotects this signal, it automatically starts toreceivethe tacsimiletransmission.The maiority of facsimilemachinesin use today can send and detect CNG signals.However,if the senderdials manually,or if the document assentfrom a fax that cannot send a CNG signal,to receivethe documentthe receiverwill have to answerthe fax manually' pressthe startkey after they hear the tono on the handset,and then hang up thehandset. One-touchand Coded speed dial on your fax alwayssend this CNG signalwhen you send a lacsimiletransmission. l{you pick up the handset and dial manuallyto send a document,this signal is not sent and the receiverwill have to receivemanually.Lets you dial up to 30 {acsimilenumbers at the touch o{ 3 keys.Each number can be up to 38 digits long.The underlinesymbol you see in the one-linedisplay when youregisternumbers and names in the lax. To move the cursor presst h e s e a r c h k e v s ( <> ) .c u r 6 0 f1 2 3