Sotting Up llto Fat:12Fasteningthe handsetcradleFollow this procedureto aftachJ.hehandsetcradle to,hold the handsetprovidedwith the fax.Fitthe handsetcradleoverthe holes.Fastenthe handsetcradleto the fax with thetwo screwsprovided.Connectingthe handsetcordThe connectorsfor the handset,telephoneline,and e)densionphoneare togetheronthe leftsideof the mainunit.(+5)Connectthe end of the handsetconnectorcord to the jack markedNl.Connectingan extensionphone oransweringmachineYou can connectan eltensionphoneor answeringmachineto your taxbut not both. Thereis onlyonejack availablefor connectionof an e)ftensionphoneoransweringmachine.lf you want to connectan extensionphoneoransweringmachineto the fax, removethecoveroverthe middleiackmarkeda.2 Connectthe extensionphoneor answeringmachinecord to the middlejack marked6.. Use a standard modular jack available from mosttelephone supply stores fo attach an answering machineto the fax.. For mere information about using an extensionphone oranswering machine with the lax see page 56 or 61.21 2