D. Installing the AP Kit and the Charging AssembliesCOPYRIGHT © 1997 CANON INC. CANON NP6350/NP6251 REV. 0 JULY 1997 PRINTED IN JAPAN (IMPRIME AU JAPON)CHAPTER 9 INSTALLATION9-10WorkRemove the screw from thereleasing lever of the fixing/feedingassembly. While pushing the rear(fixing/feeding assembly inside) ofthe releasing lever locking shaft,shift up the releasing lever toremove the releasing lever. Removethe screw, and remove the fixingknob; then, remove the threescrews, and remove thefixing/feeding assembly cover.Remove the screw, and remove themetal fixing; then, disconnect theconnector. Holding the front and therear of the transfer/separationcharging assembly, pull theassembly to the front, and then pull itto the upper left to remove.Using alcohol, clean the transfer/separation charging assembly.Install the transfer/separationcharging assembly, connect theconnector.Install the metal fixing.Be sure to keep the transfer/separation charging assemblyin contact with the transferguide, and take care not todamage the gut wire.Further, be sure that thecharging assembly is fully dry.Step12RemarkswqMetalfixing Screw ConnectorFixing/feedingassembly coverReleasing leverlocking shaft(rear)Fixingknob ScrewScrews Screw ScrewReleasingleverCaution: