Intelligent Function Setting Tool1116 Admin ToolsDetect criteria for [Passing Detection]Set the passing direction and decision point of the movingobject for the detection line that the moving object willcross.[Passing Direction]Select the direction for moving objects to pass thedetection line. When an object that moves in the selecteddirection passes the detection line, “line crossed” isdetected.A preview display shows the selected passing directionon the detection line in the image display area.[Decision Point]Select the decision point of a moving object inaccordance with a detection line. When a decision pointselected here crosses the detection line, “line crossed” isdetected. In the image display area, a cross mark isdisplayed to indicate the decision point in the detectionframe.[Object Size (%)]Enter or use the slider to set the size ratio of movingobjects for the entire screen.When a moving object exceeds the value set for [ObjectSize (%)], it becomes a passing detection target.When [Object Size (%)] is changed, an indicator frameshowing the size of the object is displayed for 1 second inthe center of the image display area, allowingspecification of the settings while checking the size ratio.Note• A ratio of up to 30% can be set for [Object Size (%)] in passingdetection.• A passing detection event is notified only when the decisionline is crossed. Take care in setting the operation to beperformed when an event occurs. Setting by Right-Click MenuRight-click on the Intelligent Function Setting Tool displayscreen to display the menu. There, the following functionscan be used.[Copy detection area/line]Copy the detection area/line of the detection settingselected.[Paste detection area/line]Paste the copied detection area/line to the detectionsetting selected. It cannot be copied to camera tamperingdetection. Pasting a detection line is possible only whenthe source and the target both set passing detection.[Clear detection area/line]Clear the detection area/line of the detection settingselected. It cannot be cleared in camera tamperingdetection.[Copy detection criteria settings]Copy the detection criteria of the detection settingselected.[Paste detection criteria settings]Paste the copied detection criteria to the detection settingselected. Pasting is possible only if the source and thetarget are the same detection type.[Copy event settings]Copy the event operations of the detection settingselected.[Paste event settings]Paste the copied event operations to the detection settingselected. Reducing effects of lighting changeIntelligent functions may not work when the entire screenis exposed to sudden changes in brightness, for example,when indoor lights are turned on or off. Changing thedetection settings may reduce this effect.Decision pointDetection lineDetection frameObject size indicatorImportantPerform a detection test in advance to make sure that thedetection frame continues to be displayed for a subjecttargeted for passing detection.1 Click [Detection Settings].