128(5) [Reconnect] buttonThe camera is reconnected.(6) [Audio Reception] buttonAudio from the camera is received and output.(7) Control Privilege Status IndicatorWhether or not the current client has camera controlprivileges is shown in this area.(8) [Obtain/Release Camera Control] buttonThis button is used to obtain and release the cameracontrol privileges.(9) Slider for tiltThis slider is used to control the tilt (verticalmovement) of the camera.(10)Slider for panThis slider is used to control the pan (horizontalmovement) of the camera.(11)Slider for zoomThis slider is used to control the zoom ratio.You can zoom in (telephoto) by moving the knobupwards or zoom out (wide-angle) by moving theknob downwards.(12)[BLC] (Back Light Compensation) buttonThis button turns on/off backlight compensation. Thiscontrol is effective when the image is dark due tobacklight.(13)Information FieldInformation messages, warning messages and errormessages are shown to the user.(14)[Get a Snapshot] buttonA still image from the moment of clicking is displayedin a new window.(15)[Panorama Display] buttonThe panorama display panel is displayed.(16)[Digital PTZ] buttonThe Digital PTZ panel is displayed.(17)Preset selection boxYou can control the camera with presets registered inthe camera beforehand.(18)[Home Position] buttonMove the camera angle to the home position.(19)Panorama Display PanelThis panel is displayed upon clicking the [PanoramaDisplay] button.(20)Panorama Display AreaDisplays panorama images registered in the camera.You can operate the camera by controlling the framelines within the panorama display area.(21)Digital PTZ PanelThis panel is displayed upon clicking the [Digital PTZ]button.(22)Digital PTZ Area DesignatorSpecify the area in the image display area to crop withDigital PTZ.Obtaining Camera Control PrivilegesThe camera cannot be controlled by multiple userssimultaneously. Only the user with the control privilegescan control the camera. To perform backlightcompensation camera control, you must obtain controlprivileges first.How to OperateClick the [Obtain/Release Camera Control] button toobtain the control privileges. Camera Control Privilege Status IndicatorDisplay of the camera control buttons and camera controlstatus indicator changes according to the status of controlprivileges shown as follows.[Obtain/Release Camera Control]buttonThis button is used to obtain/release thecamera control privileges.Camera ControlPrivilege DisplayDisplays cameracontrol privilegestatus.Admin Viewer VB ViewerControl privileges not assignedWith the VB Viewer, the control privilege statusindicator appears in gray and an animated[Obtain/Release Camera Control] button isdisplayed.The Admin Viewer does not display a controlprivilege status indicator. The [Obtain/ReleaseCamera Control] button is grayed out.When waiting for control privileges in the VBViewer, the remaining standby time is shownon the control privilege status indicator.Waiting for control privileges