55Setting Page5JPEG(1) [Video Quality]Select a desired video quality from 1 to 5 (5 levels) forvideos transmitted at each video size in JPEG.Greater values have higher quality.(2) [Video Quality: Digital PTZ]Select a desired video quality from 1 to 5 (5 levels) forDigital PTZ.Greater values have higher quality.(3) [Video Size: video Transmission]Select [320x240], [480x270], [960x540] or[1920x1080] for the size of images transmitted. Thisbecomes the start-up video size used by each viewer.(4) [Maximum Frame Rate: Video Transmission]Limit the maximum transmission frame rate persecond to reduce the viewer load. The maximum is 30frames/sec. Enter a value of between 0.1 and 30.0.(5) [Video Size: Upload / SD card]Select [320x240], [480x270], [960x540] or[1920x1080] for the size of images when using theupload function (p. 57) or when recording to an SDcard (p. 73). Use [Video Record Action] (p. 62) in the[Event] menu to specify the destination of a videorecording (upload or SD card recording).H.264(1) [Bit Rate Control]Select [Do not use bit rate control] or [Use bit ratecontrol].Select [Use bit rate control] when [Video Format]under [Upload] is set to [H.264] or when [VideoFormat] under [Memory Card] is set to [H.264].(2) [Target Bit Rate (kbps)]If [Use bit rate control] is selected in (1), select [64] to[8192] (total 13 levels) for the target bit rate.(3) [Video Quality]If [Do not use bit rate control] is selected in (1), selecta desired quality from 1 to 5 (total 5 levels) for H.264video transmission.Greater values have higher quality.(4) [Video Size]Select [480x270], [960x540] or [1920x1080] for thesize of video transmitted.(5) [Frame Rate (fps)]Select [30], [15], [10], [6], [5], [3], [2] or [1] (fps) forthe frame rate of video transmitted.(6) [I Frame Interval (sec)]Select [0.5], [1], [1.5], [2], [3], [4] or [5] for the I frameinterval (sec) for H.264 video.[Video] Setting Video Size, Quality and Frame RateThe following can be set here.• JPEGSet the video quality, size, maximum frame rateand upload size in JPEG.• H.264Set the bit rate, video size and capture frame ratein H.264.• On-screen displaySet time, character string, etc. displayed overimages.Important• When the SD card recording and upload settings areconfigured, the following restrictions apply.- Only [Use bit rate control] can be selected for [Bit RateControl].- Only [3072] or less can be selected for [Target Bit Rate(kbps)].- Only one of [0.5], [1], and [1.5] can be selected for [IFrame Interval (sec)].• Network load will increase if a larger video size is set orhigher video quality and target bit rate are set, as thisincreases data size per frame. As a result, the following couldoccur:JPEG: The frame rate may dropH.264: Video may be temporarily disrupted