5-30SD Card Information1 [SD Card Recognition]Displays the status of the SD memory card. The threestatus messages are [SD Card Not Inserted],[Unmounted] and [Mounted].2 [SD Card Operation Status]Displays the operation status of the SD memory card.The three status messages are as follows.• “Operable”: This status indicates that any operationmay be performed.• “Recreating image management information”: Thisstatus indicates that image management informationis being recreated. Other operations cannot beperformed.• “Deleting images”: This status indicates that imagesare being deleted. Other operations cannot beperformed.3 [Image Management Information Status]Displays the status of the image managementinformation. The three status messages are as follows.• “Normal”: This status indicates that imagemanagement information is normal.• “Image Management Information RecreationRequired”: This status indicates that managementfiles are corrupted or not consistent with savedimage files. Image management information mustbe recreated.4 [Image Saving]Displays whether or not images can be saved to the SDmemory card.• [Can Save]: Indicates that images can be saved tothe SD memory card.• [Cannot Save]: Indicates that images cannot besaved to the SD memory card. This status may becaused when the SD memory card is not mounted,the image file count upper limit has been reached,the image management file is corrupted or the cardis write-protected.5 [SD Card Capacity (KB)]Displays the SD memory card storage capacity.6 [Used Capacity (KB)]Displays information about storage used on the SDmemory card.Note• For accessing files saved to the SD memory card, see “SDMemory Card Access” (P. 8-2).• The maximum number of images that can be stored on the SDmemory card is 100,000 each.• New files cannot be saved to the SD card if there is no free spaceor the file limit has been reached.ImportantInformation recorded to the SD memory card may be regardedas “personal information.” Take sufficient precautions forhandling this information when releasing to third parties fordisposal, transfer or repair.