6-16Ad [Date & Time]Set the date and time of the log you want to show usingthe filter function.Select the [Specify start date & time] or [Specify enddate & time] checkbox to set the date and time.Af [Apply filter]Show the filtered logs in the log display area.Ag [Search for]Enter the character string for which you want to search.Ah [Match case] checkboxSpecify whether or not to enable case sensitivity insearch commands. When selected, character stringsperfectly matching the case in the [Search for] field aresearched.Aj [Previous]/[Next]Click [Next] to move down and [Previous] to move upin the search results for Ak [Search].Ak [Search]Search logs containing the character string searchedin the displayed log list and display them.NoteLog Viewer only has a log viewing function and logs cannot bedeleted.Downloading Log FilesWhen Log Viewer is launched, the latest log files will bedownloaded and displayed automatically.To download a new log file list, click [Download]. A[Download] dialog box is shown where you can select[Internal memory] or [SD Card] as a download source.When the list has been downloaded, a dialog boxshowing the log file list opens. Select the log file you wantto view and click [Download], and the selected log file willbe downloaded.How to View LogsThe log contains the following information.• CodeFor the log code, see “List of Log Messages” (P. 8-8).The log code is shown together with one of three iconscorresponding to the applicable level.If the log has no log code, no icon is shown.• Date & TimeThe date and time at which the log was generated.• MessageA message regarding the log.Information LevelWarning LevelError Level