59RecordingAdjusting the Audio Recording LevelIf the audio level is too high and the sound sounds distorted, activate the microphone attenuator(20 dB), by setting the FRONT MIC ATT. switch or the corresponding switch to ATT.Hiding/Displaying the Audio Level IndicatorOpen the menu and select [DISPLAY SETUP/ ]. Select [AUDIO LEVEL], select a settingoption and close the menu.The audio level indicator can also be turned on/off with a custom key ( 79).Automatic Audio AdjustmentSet the REC LEVEL switch to A. When recording audio using the frontmicrophone, you can change themicrophone’s sensitivity ( 57). When the INPUT SELECT switches for bothchannels are set to FRONT, if the REC LEVELswitch for CH1 is set to A, the automaticaudio adjustment setting will automaticallyapply to CH2 as well. When the INPUT SELECT switches for bothchannels are set to XLR MIC or XLR LINE,you can select if the audio adjustment settingfor CH2 will be linked to that of CH1 ([LINK]),or if the settings will be separated ([SEP]).Open the menu and select [AUDIO SETUP]. Select [XLR ALC LINK], select a setting option andclose the menu.Manual Audio Adjustment1. Set the REC LEVEL switch to M.2. Turn the corresponding dial (CH1 orCH2) to adjust each channel’s audio level.Adjust the audio recording level so that the audiolevel meter will go to the right of the mark on theside panel’s audio level meter (or the larger dot onthe level meter displayed on the screen) onlyoccasionally. We recommend using headphones whenadjusting the audio level. If the input level istoo high, audio may become distorted even ifthe audio level indicator shows anappropriate level. Use commercially availableheadphones.MENU( 33) DISPLAY SETUP/ AUDIO LEVEL••ONCOPY