CHAPTER 5 IMAGE FORMATION SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000 REV.1 JAN. 2002 5-11 Outline of ProcessesThe image formation system has the following functions, and uses the following methods:ItemPhotosensitive drumDrum cleaningDeveloping cylinderTonerTonerPrimary chargingroller bias controlDeveloping biascontrolTransfer chargingroller bias controlDescriptionOPC (30-mm dia.)Cleaning blade20-mm dia.Dry, 1-component, toner projectionNegative tonerAC constant current control (about 1110 μA; about 860 Hz)DC constant voltage control (plain paper mode; about -580 to -650 V)AC constant voltage control (about 1600 Vp-p; about 2200 Hz)DC constant voltage control (plain paper mode; image area, about -360 to -485 V; non-image area, about -495 to -570 V)DC constant voltage control (about 5.76 KV max.; for cleaningbias, about -2.3 KV)DC constant current control (about 5 μA)voltage level correction control (ATVC)T05-101-01