COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2001 2001 2001 2001 CANON Printer Board-N1/iN-E5 REV.0 JAN. 2002 5 - 7CHAPTER 5 TROUBLESHOOTINGPARALLEL INTER-FACE ERRORUSB INTERFACE ER-RORETHERNET OPTIONERRORJOB STORING RE-JECTEDA parallel port error occurred.A USB port error occurred.A network interface board erroroccurred.The receiving print job will stop.Correct the connection after checkingthe connector. Then, restart the printer.If the warning persists, replace theprinter board.Correct the connection after checkingthe connector. Then, restart the printer.If the error persists, replace the printerboard.Restart the printer after checking theinstallation of the network interfaceboard.If the error persists, replace the networkinterface board.The mount of the stored job logs willexceed the maximum limit.Delete unnecessary job logs from thehard disk.2.4 Service Call ErrorA service call error may be any of the following; take the action given to suit each indi-cation:MessageE676 CALL FOR SER-VICEE677/6F-7A CALLFOR SERVICEE677/6F-61 CALL FORSERVICEE677/6F-63 CALL FORSERVICEMeaningA communication error occurredbetween the host machine andthe printer board.An SRAM error occurred in theASIC.An internal ROM check erroroccurred.An internal RAM error occurred.ActionRestart the printer. If the error persists,replace the printer board.If the error persists, replace the imageprocessor PCB.Restart the printer. If the error persists,replace the printer board.Restart the printer. If the error persists,replace the printer board.Restart the printer. If the error persists,replace the printer board.