COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000 REV.1 JAN. 20026-22CHAPTER 6 PICKUP/FEDING SYSTEM5.1.3 Removing the Feeding/Separation Roller1) Slide out the cassette.2) Open the left lower cover.3) Push down the separation roller [1] asshown; then, pick the claw [2] of theroller collar, and detach the separationroller [1] and the feeding roller [3].F06-501-095.1.4 Removing the Cassette Pickup Solenoid1) Remove the cassette pickup assembly(5.1.1 in Chapter6).2) Free the harness [1] from the harnessguide [2], and remove the screw [3];then, detach the cassette pickup sole-noid [4].F06-501-105.1.5 Removing the Paper Size Detecting Switch1) Remove the screw [1], and slide out thepaper size detecting switch [2].2) Disconnect the connector [3], and re-move the paper size detecting switch[2].F06-501-11[3][1][2][4][2] [1][3][2] [3][1]