CHAPTER 3 IMAGE READING/PROCESSING SYSTEMCOPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000 REV.1 JAN. 2002 3-94.2 Contact Sensor4.2.1 Outline of the Contact SensorThe machine uses a contact sensor (CS) for original exposure and original reading.The CS is a single module consisting of the following, and is used to read images inlines: 2 sets of LEDs (R, G, B); photo conducting medium used to shine the light of theLEDs across a single image line of an original; rod lens array used to collected reflectedlight by the original; CCD array used to detect reflected light. It reads an image line byline.F03-402-01LED(R/G/B)LED(R/G/B)Rod lens arrayCCD arrayCopyboard glassPhoto conductingmedium(scanning direction)Image read line