COPYRIGHT © 2002 CANON INC. 2000 CANON iR1600/iR2000 REV.1 JAN. 20026-24CHAPTER 6 PICKUP/FEDING SYSTEM5.2 Multifeeder Tray Assembly5.2.1 Removing the Multifeeder Tray1) Remove the left cover.2) Free the 2 hooks [1], and detach themultifeeder tray [2].F06-502-01After mounting the multifeedertray, check to make sure that theholding plate [4] is pusheddown by the manual feedpickup roller cam [3].· If the holding plate is up, pushdown the holding plate and,while doing so, rotate themanual feed pickup roller [5]using lint-free paper (so as notto come into direct contact withits surface) until the holdingplate is in low position (by themanual feed roller cam).F06-502-02[2][1][3][4][4][5]