ASCII COMMANDSThe Model 225 indicator will respond to ASCII coded serial data, in the format below, whenllowed by a carriage return and can be upper or lower case, or any combination.parameter item designator (e.g. “PWC (1) ” requeststhe value of PWC number 1 preset to be transmitted from the indicator).y lowed by the equal sign “=” is a set command and must be followed bythe data desired to be stored for that parameter.ithout an equal sign requests data to be transmitted from the indicator(a query command).y etween the values.the indicator, send the command to requestame data to be transmitted from the indicator.CommandsUCommandinput to the RXD serial input or the IR port.y The commands are ASCII strings, without spaces, foy Data inside parenthesis is theA command foly Any command wCommands that set more than one value use commas by To verify data has been stored correctly inthe sU UResponse UDescriptionUUGross 1000lb G Transmit Gross WeightTare 00lb T Transmit Current Tare1Tare=123 OK Set Tare To ValueNet 00lb N 9 Transmit Net WeightPWC (1) 0lb PWC1 ransmit PWC Value10 TPWC (1)=123 K ueO Set PWC To ValFas 100lb F it 2 Speed DFC Fast Valuet TransmFast=123 Set 2 Speed DFC Fast ValueOKSlow Transmit 2 Speed DFC Slow Value100lb FSlow=123 OK Set 2 Speed DFC Slow ValueFill 100lb F Transmit 1 Speed DFC ValueFill=123 OK Set 1 Speed DFC ValueTrim 100lb TRM Transmit DFC Trim ValueTrim=123 OK Set DFC Trim ValueAccum(g) 1000lb Transmit Accumulator Valid SelectionsG/N/C/1-7Accum(n)=100 OK Set AccumulatorIng(1) 1 100lb 1200lb Transmit Ingredient (Bin,Fast,Slow)Ing(1)=1,100,150 OK Set Ing (Bin,Fast,Slow)Trim(1) 100lb TRM1 Transmit Batcher Trim For Ing XTrim(1)=100 OK Set Batcher TrimID() id(x)=r,1,2 List ALL IDs ID(ID)=Ref,Tare,AccumID(1) id(1)=r,1,2 List A Single IDID(1)=ref,100,0 OK Add Or Replace An IDKey(x) Results of (x) function. Performs function of (x) as if key waspressed. See Valid Key Names. = carriage return8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation Page 100