ELECTRONIC TALLEY ROLL (ETR) FILETh ture which stores the weight and aconsec ecompu for useby a weights and measures inspector.Whencurren ) willbe stored in memory. The 225 has sufficient memory to create an ETR file that will store up to7000 transactions. The ETR file is structured such that when its capacity is reached, thenewesmanuao enable the Electronic Talley Roll (ETR) feature, the following parameters must be set:In SUSA=NOicator in normal operations mode, press the SHIFT and then ←⎯ /ESC key.2. The display will change to show the FUNCTION= prompt.3. Press the ZERO key.4. The display will show FIND ETR=0.5. Using the numeric keys, enter the transaction number to find and then press the ENTERkey.6. The 225 will display ETR=XXXXXXYY for 3 seconds. Note that XXXXXX is theweight and YY is the units of measurement.7. After displaying the record, the display will return to normal operation.e 225 is equipped with an Electronic Talley Roll (ETR) feautive transaction number each time the indicator receives a Talley command from thting peripheral. The data is maintained in non-volatile memory and is availableenabled, each time the indicator receives an ETR request (SMA XT command), thet weight and an internal consecutive transaction number (that can not be modifiedt transaction will replace the oldest. The ETR file can only be displayed and cannot belly cleared or printed.TETUP MENU #1•• MODE OF OP= (0, 2, 3, 4 or 5)In SETUP MENU #2, 1. SERIAL, 2.COMX (Note that X is the COM port theindicator receives a Talley command from the computing peripheral)• 5. CONT=NO• 6. TYPE=9 TALLEYViewing the Electronic Talley Roll (ETR) File1. With the ind8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation Page 80