CALIBRATION AND SETUP, CONT.3. Zct=XXXXXXX (ZERO COUNT)With the SCALE 1 CALIBRATION MENU di8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation Page 70splayed the current setting for the Zct=oeric keys, enter theER key to save the new9. Note that the capacity can not exceed 7 digits or 9,999,999.Cahe calibration “C” numbers (C1, C2, C3 and C4) represent the present calibrationay be up to three (3) digits in length. These values areent calibrationsettings (without using test weights) enter the calibration “C” numbers.ote that XXX is the current value forgs displayed match the numbers recordedressturn to the SCALE 1 CALIBRATIONparameter will be shown. Note that XXXXXXX is the current value for the analog todigital reading at zero, the Zero count. If the setting displayed is acceptable, proceed tthe next setup parameter.Otherwise, press the 3 key, the ENTER key and then using the numvalue for the zero load Zero count and then press the ENTsetting and return to the SCALE 1 CALIBRATION MENU. Allowable values are 1through 9,999,99libration “C” NumbersTsettings. Each number mestablished when the scale is calibrated. To return the indicator to its pres6. C1=XXX7. C2=XXX8. C3=XXX9. C4=XXXWith the SCALE 1 CALIBRATION MENU displayed the current setting for the C1=,C2=, C3= and C4= parameters will be shown. NCALIBRATION “C” NUMBERSthe calibration “C” number. If the settinpreviously, proceed to the next setup parameter.Otherwise, press the 6, 7, 8 or 9 key, (for the “C” number to be changed), the ENTERkey and then using the numeric keys, enter the value for the “C” number and then pthe ENTER key to save the new setting and reMENU. Allowable values are 1 through 255.If any components have been changed that affect calibration and/or the scale isused in a commercial application and must be "Legal for Trade", calibrationparameters or the “C” numbers cannot be use to re-calibrate.