2-54u Matrix Arithmetic Operations [OPTN]-[MAT/VCT]-[Mat]/[Identity]Example 1 To add the following two matrices (Matrix A + Matrix B):K2(MAT/VCT)1(Mat)av(A)+1(Mat)al(B)wExample 2 To multiply the two matrices in Example 1 (Matrix A × Matrix B)K2(MAT/VCT)1(Mat)av(A)*1(Mat)al(B)w• The two matrices must have the same dimensions in order to be added or subtracted. Anerror occurs if you try to add or subtract matrices of different dimensions.• For multiplication (Matrix 1 × Matrix 2), the number of columns in Matrix 1 must match thenumber of rows in Matrix 2. Otherwise, an error occurs.u Determinant [OPTN]-[MAT/VCT]-[Det]Example Obtain the determinant for the following matrix:Matrix A =1 2 34 5 6−1 −2 0K2(MAT/VCT)3(Det)1(Mat)av(A)w• Determinants can be obtained only for square matrices (same number of rows and columns).Trying to obtain a determinant for a matrix that is not square produces an error.• The determinant of a 2 × 2 matrix is calculated as shown below.| A | = a 11 a 12= a 11a 22 – a12a 21a21 a22• The determinant of a 3 × 3 matrix is calculated as shown below.= a11a 22a 33 + a 12a 23a 31 + a 13a 21a 32 – a 11a 23a 32 – a 12a21a 33 – a13a22a31a11 a12 a13a21 a22 a23a31 a32 a33| A | =1 12 12 32 1Matrix A = Matrix B =1 12 12 32 1Matrix A = Matrix B =