α-1Appendix1. Error Message Table• General calculation errorsWhen you seethis message: It means this: So you need to do this:SyntaxERROR• Illegal syntax• Attempt to input an illegal commandPress J to display the error andmake necessary corrections.Ma ERROR • Calculation result that exceeds thecalculation range.• Mathematical error (division by zero,etc.)Check input values and makecorrections to ensure that values arewithin allowable limits.Stack ERROR Execution of calculations that exceedthe capacity of the stack for numericvalues or stack for commands.• Simplify the formulas to keepstacks within 10 levels for thenumeric values and 26 levels for thecommands.• Divide the formula into two or moreparts.Input valuemust beinteger.Attempting to input a non-integer valuein a location that requires integer input.Input an integer value.Input valuemust be amatrix.Attempting to input a non-matrix valuein a location that requires matrix input.Input a matrix value.Input valuemust be amatrix orvector.Attempt to input a non-matrix or non-vector value in a location where amatrix or vector should be input.Input a matrix or vector.Input valuemust be a list.Attempting to input a non-list value in alocation that requires list input.Input a list value.Input valuemust be a realnumber.Attempting to input a non-real numbervalue in a location that requires realnumber input.Input a real number value.Invalid polarformAttempting to input an imaginarynumber for polar form (r∠θ) r orθ.Check the polar form.Wrongargument sizerelationship.The size relationship between twoarguments is opposite from what itshould be.Example: nCr(3,10)Change the values so the sizerelationship required by the syntax ismaintained.α