2-27Example 2 To simplify 2763 specifying a divisor of 9 =276337A$chcgdwK4(CALC)6(g)6(g)3(Simp)jw• An error occurs if simplification cannot be performed using the specified divisor.• Executing 'Simp while a value that cannot be simplified is displayed will return the originalvalue, without displaying “F=”.k Solve Calculations [OPTN]-[CALC]-[Solve]The following is the syntax for using the Solve function in a program.Solve( f(x), n, a, b) (a: lower limit, b: upper limit, n: initial estimated value)There are two different input methods that can be used for Solve calculations: directassignment and variable table input.With the direct assignment method, you assign values directly to variables. This type of inputis identical to that used with the Solve command used in the Program mode.Variable table input is used with the Solve function in the Equation mode. This input methodis recommended for most normal Solve function input.An error (Time Out) occurs when there is no convergence of the solution.For information about Solve calculations, see page 4-4.• You cannot use a second derivative, Σ, maximum/minimum value or Solve calculationexpression inside of any of the above functions.• Pressing A during calculation of Solve (while the cursor is not shown on the display)interrupts the calculation.k Solving an f(x) Function [OPTN]-[CALC]-[SolveN]You can use SolveN to solve an f(x) function using numerical analysis. The following is theinput syntax.SolveN (left side [=right side] [,variable] [, lower limit, upper limit])• The right side, variable, lower limit and upper limit all can be omitted.• “left side[=right side]” is the expression to be solved. Supported variables are A through Z, r,andθ. When the right side is omitted, solution is perform using right side = 0.• The variable specifies the variable within the expression to be solved for (A through Z, r,θ).Omitting a variable specification cause X to be used as the variable.