6-42• Graphing is supported only when a variable is specified and a single x-value is entered asdata.• Inverse Student-t Cumulative Distribution (DIST)(t)(InvN)Inverse Student-t Cumulative Distribution calculates thelower bound value of a Student-t cumulative distribution fora specified df (degrees of freedom) value.Calculation Result Output ExamplesWhen a list is specified When variable (x) is specified• There is no graphing for Inverse Student-t Cumulative Distribution.I Ƶ2 Distribution• Ƶ2 Probability Density (DIST)(CHI)(CPd)Ƶ2 Probability Density calculates the Ƶ2 probability density(p) for a specified single x-value or a list. When a list isspecified, calculation results for each list element aredisplayed in list form.Calculation Result Output ExamplesWhen a list is specified Graph when variable (x) is specified• Graphing is supported only when a variable is specified and a single x-value is entered asdata.• Ƶ2 Cumulative Distribution (DIST)(CHI)(CCd)Ƶ2 Cumulative Distribution calculates the cumulativeprobability of a Ƶ2 distribution between a lower bound andan upper bound.