2-34Number System Binary Octal Decimal HexadecimalDisplay Capacity 16 digits 11 digits 10 digits 8 digits• The alphabetic characters used in the hexadecimal number appear differently on the displayto distinguish them from text characters.Normal Text A B C D E FHexadecimal Values S T U V W XKeys T J ( Q A R• The following are the calculation ranges for each of the number systems.Binary ValuesPositive: 0 x 111111111111111Negative: 1000000000000000 x 1111111111111111Octal ValuesPositive: 0 x 17777777777Negative: 20000000000 x 37777777777Decimal ValuesPositive: 0 x 2147483647Negative: –2147483648 x –1Hexadecimal ValuesPositive: 0 x 7FFFFFFFNegative: 80000000 x FFFFFFFFS To perform a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal calculation[SET UP]-[Mode]-[Dec]/[Hex]/[Bin]/[Oct]1. In the Main Menu, select RUN • MAT (or RUN).2. Press