8-15DrawFTG-Con, DrawFTG-Plt No parametersFunction: This command uses values in a generated table to graph a function.Description:• This command draws a function graph in accordance with conditions defined within theprogram.• DrawFTG-Con produces a connect type graph, while DrawFTG-Plt produces a plot typegraph.DrawGraph No parametersFunction: This command draws a graph.Description: This command draws a graph in accordance with the drawing conditions definedwithin the program.DrawR-Con, DrawR-Plt (Not included on the fx-7400GII) No parametersFunction: These commands graph recursion expressions, with an (b n or cn) as the vertical axisand n as the horizontal axis.Description:• These commands graph recursion expressions in accordance with conditions defined withinthe program, with an (b n or cn) as the vertical axis and n as the horizontal axis.• DrawR-Con produces a connect type graph, while DrawR-Plt produces a plot type graph.DrawR3-Con, DrawR3-Plt (Not included on the fx-7400GII) No parametersFunction: These commands graph recursion expressions, with 3an (3bn or 3cn) as the verticalaxis and n as the horizontal axis.Description:• These commands graph recursion expressions in accordance with conditions defined withinthe program, with 3an (3b n or 3cn) as the vertical axis and n as the horizontal axis.• DrawR3-Con produces a connect type graph, while DrawR3-Plt produces a plot type graph.DrawStatFunction: This draws a statistical graph.Syntax: See “Using Statistical Calculations and Graphs in a Program” on page 8-25.Description: This command draws a statistical graph in accordance with conditions definedwithin the program.DrawWeb (Not included on the fx-7400GII)Function: This command graphs convergence/divergence of a recursion expression (WEBgraph).Syntax: DrawWeb [, ]=Example: DrawWeb an+1 (bn+1 or cn+1 ), 5=Description:• This command graphs convergence/divergence of a recursion expression (WEB graph).• Omitting the number of lines specification automatically specifies the default value 30.