Installation and operating instructions20DAIKIN EKHHP(3/5)00AA2V3DAIKIN Hot water heat pump008.1423444_05 – 08/20166 x Decommissioning6.1.2 Draining the hot water circuit● Close the cold water supply to the DAIKIN EKHHP.● Separate the cold water supply pipe to the DAIKIN EKHHPand allow the hot water distribution network to empty out.● Isolate the cold water supply and hot water outlet from theDAIKIN EKHHP.● Connect the drain hoses to cold water supply and hot wateroutlet so that the end of the hose is located just above groundlevel.● Allow heat exchanger to drain according to the siphonprinciple.6.2 Final shutdownA final shutdown may be necessary if– the system is defective and is being dismantled and disposedof.– components of the system are defective, are being disman-tled and replaced.– the system or parts of the system are being dismantled andreassembled in another location.The DAIKIN EKHHP is designed to be environmentally friendlyand easy to install: the jobs described above can therefore becarried out in an efficient and environmentally-friendly manner.When changing location or replacing parts on the coolant systempipework:● Pump the coolant back into the external heat pump unit (seeinstallation and operating guide for the particular externalheat pump unit).When disposing of the machine or replacing parts in the coolantsystem:● Suction the coolant from the machine and recycle (see instal-lation and operating guide for the particular external heatpump unit).Fig. 6-3 Screwing pre-assembles connector into the filling and drain-ing connectionWARNING!Cooling systems (heat pumps), climate controlsystems and heating devices that are incorrectlydismantled can both endanger the life andhealth of people and exhibit impaired functionduring start-up.At normal atmospheric pressure and ambienttemperatures, liquid coolant vapourises sosuddenly that on contact with skin or eyes itcan cause the tissue to freeze (danger of goingblind).● Work on the DAIKIN EKHHP (such asdismantling components, temporary or finalshutdown of system) is only to be carried outby persons who are authorised and who havesuccessfully completed qualifying technicalor vocational training for the specificactivity and who have taken part in advancedtraining sessions recognised by the relevantresponsible authorities. These include, inparticular, certified heating engineers,qualified electricians and HVACspecialists, who on account of their profes-sional training and expert knowledge,have experience in the professional instal-lation and maintenance of heating, coolingand air conditioning systems and heatpumps.● You must observe the warning and safetyinstructions in the installation manual onworking in the coolant system.