Symptom Possible cause Test SolutionMotor is notreachingmaximumspeedFrequency limits set wrong. Check output limits in parameter 4-13 MotorSpeed High Limit [RPM], parameter 4-14 MotorSpeed High Limit [Hz], and parameter 4-19 MaxOutput Frequency.Program correct limits.Reference input signal notscaled correctly.Check reference input signal scaling inparameter group 6-0* Analog I/O mode andparameter group 3-1* References.Program correct settings.Motor speedunstablePossible incorrect parametersettings.Check the settings of all motor parameters,including all motor compensation settings.For closed-loop operation, check PID settings.Check settings in parameter group 1-6*Load Depen. Setting. For closed-loopoperation, check settings in parametergroup 20-0* Feedback.Motor runsroughPossible overmagnetization. Check for incorrect motor settings in allmotor parameters.Check motor settings in parameter groups1-2* Motor data, 1-3* Adv Motor Data, and1-5* Load Indep. Setting.Motor doesnot brakePossible incorrect settings inthe brake parameters. Ramp-down times may be too short.Check brake parameters. Check ramp timesettings.Check parameter groups 2-0* DC Brake and3-0* Reference Limits.Open powerfusesPhase-to-phase short. Motor or panel has a short phase-to-phase.Check motor and panel phases for shorts.Eliminate any shorts detected.Motor overload. Motor is overloaded for the application. Perform start-up test and verify thatmotor current is within specifications. Ifmotor current is exceeding the nameplatefull load current, the motor can run onlywith reduced load. Review the specifi-cations for the application.Loose connections. Perform pre-start-up check for looseconnections.Tighten loose connections.Mains currentimbalancegreater than3%Problem with mains power (seealarm 4, Mains phase lossdescription).Rotate input power leads into the 1 position:A to B, B to C, C to A.If imbalanced leg follows the wire, it is apower problem. Check the mains supply.Problem with the AC drive. Rotate input power leads into the AC drive 1position: A to B, B to C, C to A.If the imbalanced leg stays on same inputterminal, it is a problem with the ACdrive. Contact supplier.Motor currentimbalancegreater than3%Problem with motor or motorwiring.Rotate output motor cables 1 position: U to V,V to W, W to U.If the imbalanced leg follows the wire, theproblem is in the motor or motor wiring.Check motor and motor wiring.Problem with AC drive. Rotate output motor cables 1 position: U to V,V to W, W to U.If the imbalanced leg stays on sameoutput terminal, it is a problem with theunit. Contact supplier.AC driveaccelerationproblemsMotor data are enteredincorrectly.If warnings or alarms occur, seechapter 9.5 List of Warnings and Alarms.Check that motor data are entered correctly.Increase the ramp-up time inparameter 3-41 Ramp 1 Ramp Up Time.Increase current limit inparameter 4-18 Current Limit. Increasetorque limit in parameter 4-16 Torque LimitMotor Mode.AC drivedecelerationproblemsMotor data are enteredincorrectly.If warnings or alarms occur, seechapter 9.5 List of Warnings and Alarms.Check that motor data are entered correctly.Increase the ramp-down time inparameter 3-42 Ramp 1 Ramp Down Time.Enable overvoltage control inparameter 2-17 Over-voltage Control.Table 9.5 TroubleshootingMaintenance, Diagnostics, a... Operating GuideMG21A502 Danfoss A/S © 09/2018 All rights reserved. 979 9