Installing and Configuring SCSI Drivers 3-5• EXTENDED BIOS TRANSLATION FOR DOSDRIVES > 1 GB. This option determines whetherextended translation is available for SCSI hard-diskdrives with capacities greater than 1 gigabyte (GB).The default setting is ENABLED.The standard translation scheme for SCSI hostadapters provides a maximum accessible capacity of1 GB. To support hard-disk drives larger than 1 GB,the 78xx series host adapters include an extendedtranslation scheme that supports hard-disk drives aslarge as 8 GB under the MS-DOS operating systemwith a maximum partition size of 2 GB.Extended BIOS translation is used only withMS-DOS 5.0 or later. It is not necessary to enablethis if you are using another operating system suchas Novell NetWare.When you partition a hard-disk drive larger than1 GB, use the MS-DOS fdisk utility as you normallywould. Because the cylinder size increases to 8 MBunder extended translation, the partition size youchoose must be a multiple of 8 MB. If you request asize that is not a multiple of 8 MB, fdisk rounds upto the nearest whole multiple of 8 MB.• DISPLAY <CTRL><A> MESSAGE DURING BIOS INI-TIALIZATION. This option determines whether thePress for SCSISelect (TM)Utility! message appears on your screen duringsystem bootup. The default setting is ENABLED. If thissetting is disabled, you can still run the SCSISelectutility by pressing <CTRL><A> after the host adapterBIOS banner appears.• MULTIPLE LUN SUPPORT. This option determineswhether your system supports booting from a SCSIdevice that has multiple LUNs. The default setting isDISABLED. Enable this option if your boot device hasmultiple LUNs.• BIOS SUPPORT FOR BOOTABLE CD-ROM. This optiondetermines whether the host adapter BIOS providessupport for booting from a CD-ROM drive. Thedefault setting is ENABLED.• BIOS SUPPORT FOR INT 13 EXTENSIONS. This optiondetermines whether the host adapter BIOS supportsdisks with more than 1024 cylinders. The default set-ting is ENABLED.• SUPPORT FOR ULTRA SCSI SPEED. This optiondetermines whether the host adapter supports the fasttransfer rates (20.0 to 40.0 megabits per second[Mbps]). The default setting is ENABLED.Starting the SCSISelect UtilityYou can start the SCSISelect utility by pressing<CTRL><A> when the following prompt appears brieflyat boot time:Press for SCSISelect (TM)Utility!The first menu displays the CONFIGURE/VIEW HOSTADAPTER SETTINGS and SCSI DISK UTILITIES options.Using SCSISelect MenusSCSISelect uses menus to list options you can select. Toselect an option, use the up- and down-arrow keys tomove the cursor to the option; then press <ENTER>.In some cases, selecting an option displays another menu.You can return to the previous menu at any time by press-ing <ESC>. To restore the original SCSISelect defaultvalues, press <F6>.Using the SCSI Disk UtilitiesTo access the SCSI disk utilities, select the SCSI DISKUTILITIES option from the menu that appears when youstart SCSISelect. Once the option is selected, SCSISelectimmediately scans the SCSI bus (to determine thedevices installed) and displays a list of all SCSI IDs andthe devices assigned to each ID.CAUTION: Back up your hard-disk drivebefore you change the translation scheme. Alldata is erased when you change from onetranslation scheme to another.
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