Using the EISA Configuration Utility 5-157. To confirm your supervisor password, type itagain and press <ENTER>.The SUPERVISOR PASSWORD category indicatesENABLED. Your supervisor password is now set,but it does not become operational until you save theconfiguration and exit the utility.Deleting an Existing Supervisor PasswordTo delete an existing supervisor password, perform thefollowing steps:NOTE: Deleting the supervisor password automaticallydeletes the user password if one has been assigned.1. Start the EISA Configuration Utility as describedin “Starting the EISA Configuration Utility”found earlier in this chapter.2. At the Main Menu, select CONFIGURE COMPUTER.The system prompts you for a supervisor password.Type the password and press <ENTER>.3. At the Steps in Configuring Your Computermenu, select STEP 3: VIEW OR EDIT DETAILS.4. Select the SUPERVISOR PASSWORD category, andpress <ENTER>.A dialog box with an Enter supervisorpassword prompt and an empty seven-characterfield appears on the screen.5. Press <ENTER>.A new dialog box with a Verify supervisorpassword prompt and an empty seven-characterfield appears on the screen.6. Press <ENTER>.You are returned to the Main menu, where theSUPERVISOR PASSWORD category now indicatesNOT ENABLED.Assigning or Changing a UserPasswordYour system is shipped to you with the USER PASSWORDcategory set to NOT ENABLED. Use the following proce-dure to assign or change a user password.NOTE: To quit the following procedure without assigningor changing a password, press the <ESC> key at any time.1. Start the EISA Configuration Utility as describedin “Starting the EISA Configuration Utility”found earlier in this chapter.2. At the Main Menu, select CONFIGURE COMPUTER.The system prompts you for a supervisor password ifone has been assigned. If prompted, type the pass-word and press <ENTER>.NOTE: If a supervisor password has not beenassigned, you must assign one before you can assigna user password.3. At the Steps in Configuring Your Computermenu, select STEP 3: VIEW OR EDIT DETAILS.The current status of the system board optionsappears on the screen.4. Select the USER PASSWORD category.A dialog box with an Enter user passwordprompt and an empty seven-character field appearson the screen.5. Type your new user password.NOTE: The user password can be the same as thesupervisor password.You can use up to seven characters; character keys orblank spaces are acceptable.To erase a character in your password, press the<BACKSPACE> key.NOTES: The user password feature recognizes keyswithout distinguishing between shifted and unshiftedcharacters or uppercase and lowercase letters. Forexample, if you have an M in your password, the sys-tem recognizes either M or m as correct.Certain key combinations are not valid. If you enterone of these combinations, the computer’s speakerbeeps.6. Press <ENTER>.A new dialog box with a Verify user pass-word prompt and an empty seven-character fieldappears on the screen.