4-10 Dell PowerEdge 4100/180 and 4100/200 Systems User’s GuideSet Supervisor PasswordThe SET SUPERVISOR PASSWORD category lets yourestrict access to your computer’s System Setup programin the same way that you restrict access to your systemwith the user password feature.NOTE: Read “Using the Supervisor Password Feature”later in this chapter for detailed instructions on assigninga supervisor password and using, deleting, or changingan existing supervisor password. See “Disabling a For-gotten Password” found later in this chapter for informationon disabling a forgotten supervisor password.Set User PasswordNOTE: You cannot set the user password until a supervi-sor password is set.The SET USER PASSWORD category lets you restrictaccess to your system by setting a user password that isrequired when the PASSWORD ON BOOT category is set toENABLED.NOTE: Read “Using the User Password Feature” foundlater in this chapter for detailed instructions on assigninga user password and using, deleting, or changing anexisting user password. See “Disabling a ForgottenPassword” found later in this chapter for information ondisabling a forgotten user password.Password on BootThe PASSWORD ON BOOT category allows you to requirea supervisor password during the boot-up process whenthe category is set to ENABLED. The default is DISABLED.Diskette AccessThe SUPERVISOR setting restricts access of diskettedrives to the supervisor only. The USER setting (thedefault) allows access to the supervisor and the user.System Backup ReminderThis category lets you display a message during the bootup process at selected intervals to remind you to back upthe system. The options are as follows:• DISABLED (default)• DAILY• WEEKLY• MONTHLYVirus Check ReminderThis category lets you display a message during the bootup process at selected intervals to remind you to checkyour system for viruses. The options are as follows:• DISABLED (default)• DAILY• WEEKLY• MONTHLYExit Menu CategoriesTo access the Exit menu (see Figure 4-5), use the arrowkeys to highlight Exit. The following section explains indetail each of the System Setup categories in the Exitmenu.