Using the EISA Configuration Utility 5-11View Additional System InformationMenuThe EISA Configuration Utility contains detailed infor-mation about the system board, the EISA and ISAexpansion cards installed in your computer, and the usedand available resources. The options for the VIEW ADDI-TIONAL SYSTEM INFORMATION MENU category are:• BOARD SPECIFICATIONS• SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS• USED RESOURCES• AVAILABLE RESOURCESThe USED RESOURCES and AVAILABLE RESOURCES optionscontain detailed information about resources such asIRQs, DMA channels, and I/O ports, which may be use-ful if you need to resolve a resource conflict.Set Verification Mode MenuThe settings for the SET VERIFICATION MODE MENU cate-gory are AUTOMATIC (the default) and MANUAL. When thiscategory is set to AUTOMATIC, the EISA ConfigurationUtility automatically checks for resource conflicts andtries to resolve them. Unless you are technically knowl-edgeable, leave this category set to AUTOMATIC.Maintain SCI Files MenuEach time you use the EISA Configuration Utility to con-figure your system, the system configuration informationis saved in a system configuration (.sci) file and in systemmemory. You should save the system configuration infor-mation to a backup file that can be used to restore theinformation if the .sci file is damaged or lost. The optionsfor the MAINTAIN SCI FILES MENU category are OPEN (thedefault) and SAVE AS.The OPEN option creates a backup file that overwrites theexisting configuration. The SAVE AS option allows you toselect the filename under which you want the .sci filesaved.Resolving Resource ConflictsThe EISA Configuration Utility automatically resolvesresource conflicts between two EISA expansion cards. Itis extremely unusual for the EISA Configuration Utilityto fail in resolving a resource conflict between two EISAexpansion cards. If the EISA Configuration Utility failsto resolve the conflict, see Chapter 11, “Getting Help,” inthe Installation and Troubleshooting Guide for informa-tion on obtaining technical assistance.However, resource conflicts between ISA expansioncards are routine. If the SET VERIFICATION MODE menu cat-egory is set to AUTOMATIC, the EISA Configuration Utilitytries to resolve the conflict. If the utility cannot resolvethe conflict, the card you just installed is deactivated andthe following message is displayed:CautionThe last board added caused an un-resolvable conflict in your computer’sconfiguration. This board has a ‘De-activated’ status. You must remove thisboard or the one(s) it is in conflict within order to save a correct configuration.If the caution message appears, press <ENTER> to displaya list of all cards installed in your computer. The deacti-vated card is enclosed by < > symbols.You can have a technician remove the card, remove thecard(s) with which it is in conflict, or change theresources on one or more cards.If you want to remove the card, press <DEL> and followthe online instructions. Have a technician remove thecard from your computer when the utility prompts you todo so. (For instructions, see “Removing an ExpansionCard” in Chapter 8 of the Installation and Troubleshoot-ing Guide.)If a technician removes the card(s) with which the newcard is in conflict, or if you want to change the resourcesof one or more cards, use the procedure described in thenext subsection.NOTE: Locked cards may cause resource conflicts.To unlock a card, use the following procedure:1. Press <F7> in the Step 3: View or Edit Details menu(from the Steps in Configuring Your Computer menu).2. Select LOCK/UNLOCK BOARDS and press <ENTER>.3. Select the card(s) you want to unlock, and press<ENTER>.4. Press <F10> to exit the Advanced menu.