Modifying Root User Administrator Account SettingsFor added security, it is strongly recommended that you change the default password of the root (User 1) account. Theroot account is the default administrative account that is shipped with CMC.To change the default password for the root account:1. In the left pane, click Chassis Overview, and then click User Authentication.2. On the Users page, in the User ID column, click 1.NOTE: The user ID 1 is the root user account that is shipped by default with CMC. This cannot be changed.3. On the User Configuration page, select the Change Password option.4. Type the new password in the Password field, and then type the same password in Confirm Password.5. Click Apply. The password is changed for the 1 user ID.Configuring Local UsersYou can configure up to 16 local users in CMC with specific access privileges. Before you create a CMC local user,verify if any current users exist. You can set user names, passwords, and roles with the privileges for these users. Theuser names and passwords can be changed using any of the CMC–secured interfaces such as, web interface,RACADM, and WS-MAN.Configuring Local Users Using CMC Web InterfaceNOTE: You must have Configure Users permission to create a CMC user.To add and configure local CMC users:1. In the left pane, click Chassis Overview, and then click User Authentication.2. On the Local Users page, in the User ID column, click a user ID number. The User Configuration page is displayed.NOTE: User ID 1 is the root user account that is shipped by default with a CMC. This cannot be changed.3. Enable the user ID and specify the user name, password, and access privileges for the user. For more informationabout the options, see theOnline Help.4. Click Apply. The user is created with appropriate privileges.Configure Local Users Using RACADMNOTE: You must be logged in as a root user to execute RACADM commands on a remote Linux system.You can configure up to 16 users in the CMC property database. Before you manually enable a CMC user, verify if anycurrent users exist.If you are configuring a new CMC or if you have used the racadm racresetcfg command, the only current user isroot with the password calvin. The racresetcfg subcommand resets all configuration parameters to the defaultvalues. Any earlier changes are lost.NOTE: Users can be enabled and disabled over time, and disabling a user does not delete the user from thedatabase.101