The command returns the following status message:Feature = FlexAddressDate Activated = 8 April 2008 - 10:39:40Feature installed from SD-card SN = 01122334455If there are no active features on the chassis, the command returns a message:racadm feature -sNo features active on the chassisDell Feature Cards may contain more than one feature. Once any feature included on a Dell Feature Card has beenactivated on a chassis, any other features that may be included on that Dell Feature Card cannot be activated on adifferent chassis. In this case, the racadm feature -s command displays the following message for the affected features:ERROR: One or more features on the SD card are active on another chassisFor more information on the feature and featurecard commands, see theChassis Management Controller forPowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line Reference Guide.Deactivating FlexAddressThe FlexAddress feature can be deactivated and the SD card returned to a pre-installation state by using a RACADMcommand. There is no deactivation function within the Web interface. Deactivation returns the SD card to its originalstate where it can be installed and activated in another chassis. The term FlexAddress, in this context, implies bothFlexAddress and FlexAddressPlus.NOTE: The SD card must be physically installed in CMC, and the chassis must be turned off before running thedeactivation command.If you run the deactivation command without installing an SD card, or with a card from a different chassis installed, thefeature is deactivated and change is not made to the card.To deactivate the FlexAddress feature and restore the SD card:racadm feature -d -c flexaddressThe command returns the following status message if it is successfully deactivated:feature FlexAddress is deactivated on the chassis successfully.If the chassis is not turned off before running the command, the command throws the following error:ERROR: Unable to deactivate the feature because the chassis is powered ONFor further information about the command, see the feature command section of theChassis Management Controller forPowerEdge VRTX RACADM Command Line Reference Guide.Viewing FlexAddress InformationYou can view status information for the entire chassis or for an individual server. The information displayed includes:• Fabric configuration.• FlexAddress is active or not active.• Slot number and name.• Chassis-assigned and server-assigned addresses.• Addresses in use.136