1. In the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Server Overview → Setup → Profiles.2. On the BIOS Profiles page, in the Apply Profile section, click Manage Profiles. The Manage BIOS Profiles page isdisplayed.• To edit a profile, click Edit.• To view BIOS settings, click View.• To delete a profile, click Delete. For more information about the field descriptions, see theOnline Help.Applying ProfileWhen stored profiles are available in the non-volatile media on the CMC, to initiate a server cloning operation, you canapply a stored profile to one or more servers.The operation status, slot number, slot name, and model name is displayed for each server in the Apply Profile table.NOTE: If a server does not support Lifecycle Controller or the chassis is turned off, you cannot apply a profile to theserver.To apply a profile to one or more servers:1. In the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Server Overview → Setup → Profiles.2. On the BIOS Profiles page, in the Apply Profile section, from the Select a Profile drop-down menu, select the profilethat you want to apply.3. From the Select the Target Server(s) section, select the option corresponding to the servers for which you want toapply a profile. For more information about the field descriptions on this page, see theOnline Help.4. Click Apply. The selected profile is applied to the servers and the server is automatically restarted.Viewing BIOS SettingsTo view BIOS settings for a selected server, in the BIOS Profiles page, in the Apply Profile section, click View in theBIOS settings column. The View Settings page is displayed.Only BIOS settings on the server which may be modified by applying a profile (cloneable settings) are displayed. Thesettings are partitioned into groups in the same way they are displayed on the iDRAC BIOS Setup page.NOTE: The CMC Server Cloning application retrieves and displays the correct BIOS and Boot settings for a specificserver, only if the Control System Inventory on Restart (CSIOR) option is enabled.To enable CSIOR on:• 12th generation servers — After restarting the server, press F2, select iDRAC Settings → Lifecycle Controller,enable CSIOR and save the changes.Viewing Profile LogTo view the profile log, in the BIOS Profiles page, see the Recent Profile Log section that lists the 10 latest profile logentries directly from server cloning operations. Each recent profile log displays the severity, the time and date whenserver cloning operation was submitted, and the description of the cloning log message. The log entries are alsoavailable in the RAC log. To view the other available entries, click Go to Profile Log. The Profile Log page is displayed.87