• An evaluation license may be replaced with an upgraded evaluation license or with a purchased license.• A purchased license may be replaced with an updated license or with an upgraded license.• Learn More — Learn more about an installed license, or the licenses available for a component installed in theserver.NOTE: For the Learn More option to display the correct page, make sure that *.dell.com is added to the listof Trusted Sites in the Security Settings. For more information, see the Internet Explorer helpdocumentation.License Component State or Condition and Available OperationsThe following table provides the list of license operations available based on the license state or condition.Table 1. License Operations Based on State and ConditionLicense/Componentstate or conditionImport Export Delete Replace Learn MoreNon-administratorloginYes No No No YesActive license Yes Yes Yes Yes YesExpired license No Yes Yes Yes YesLicense installed butcomponent missingNo Yes Yes No YesManaging Licenses Using CMC Web InterfaceTo manage the licenses using the CMC Web interface, go to Chassis Overivew → StupChassis Overview → Setup →Licenses.Before importing a license, make sure to store a valid license file on the local system or on a network share that isaccessible from the CMC. The license is either embedded, or sent through an email from the Self-Service Web Portal, orfrom the License Key Management tool.The Licensing page displays the licenses that are associated to devices, or the licenses that are installed, but the deviceis not present in the system. For more information about importing, exporting, deleting, or replacing a license, see theOnline Help.Managing Licenses Using RACADMTo manage licenses using the RACADM commands, use the following license subcommand.racadm license <license command type>For more information about the RACADM commands, see theChassis Management Controller for PowerEdge VRTXRACADM Command Line Reference Guide available at dell.com/support/Manuals.Licensable Features In CMCA list of CMC features that are enabled on the basis of your license is given here in the table.Feature Express Enterprise NotesCMC Network Yes Yes20