• Problem: Overall server performance decreases when the ambient temperature increases in the data center.– Resolution: This can occur if the System Input Power Cap has been configured to a value that results inan increased power need by fans having to be made up by reduction in the power allocation to theservers. User can increase the System Input Power Cap to a higher value that allow for additional powerallocation to the fans without an impact on server performance.Troubleshooting AlertsUse the CMC log and the trace log to troubleshoot CMC alerts. The success or failure of each email and/or SNMP trapdelivery attempt is logged into the CMC log. Additional information describing the particular error is logged in the tracelog. However, since SNMP does not confirm delivery of traps, use a network analyzer or a tool such as Microsoft’ssnmputil to trace the packets on the managed system.Viewing Event LogsYou can view hardware- and chassis logs for information on system-critical events that occur on the managed system.Viewing Hardware LogCMC generates a hardware log of events that occur on the chassis. You can view the hardware log using the webinterface and remote RACADM.NOTE: To clear the hardware log, you must have Clear Logs Administrator privilege.NOTE: You can configure CMC to send email or SNMP traps when specific events occur. For information onconfiguring CMC to send alerts, see Configuring CMC To Send Alerts.Examples of hardware log entriescritical System Software event: redundancy lostWed May 09 15:26:28 2007 normal System Softwareevent: log cleared was assertedWed May 09 16:06:00 2007 warning System Softwareevent: predictive failure was assertedWed May 09 15:26:31 2007 critical System Softwareevent: log full was assertedWed May 09 15:47:23 2007 unknown System Softwareevent: unknown eventViewing Hardware Logs Using CMC Web InterfaceYou can view, save, and clear the hardware log. You can sort the log entries based on Severity, Date/Time, orDescription by clicking the column heading. Subsequent clicks on the column headings reverse the sort.To view the hardware logs using CMC Web interface, in the left pane, click Chassis Overview → Logs. The HardwareLog page is displayed. To save a copy of the hardware log to your managed station or network, click Save Log, and thenspecify a location for a text file of the log.NOTE: Since the log is saved as a text file, the graphical images used to indicate severity in the user interface donot appear. In the text file, severity is indicated with the words OK, Informational, Unknown, Warning, and Severe.The date and time entries appear in ascending order. If appears in the Date/Time column, itmeans that the event occurred during the turn-on or turn—off of any of the modules, when a date or time is notavailable.To clear the hardware log, click Clear Log.172