About Your System 33Unable to launchSystem Servicesimage. Systemhalted!System halted after F10keystroke because SystemServices image is eithercorrupted in the systemfirmware or has been lost dueto system board replacement.The optional iDRAC6Enterprise card flash memoryor BMC SPI flash may becorrupted.Restart the system andupdate the LifecycleController repository to thelatest software to restore fullfunctionality. See theLifecycle Controller UserGuide for more information.Restore the flash memoryusing the latest version onsupport.dell.com. See theIntegrated Dell™ RemoteAccess Controller 6(iDRAC6) User Guide forinstructions on performing afield replacement of theflash memory.Unexpectedinterrupt inprotected mode.Improperly seated memorymodules or faultykeyboard/mousecontroller chip.Reseat the memory modules.See "TroubleshootingSystem Memory" onpage 137. If the problempersists, see "Getting Help"on page 157.Unsupported CPUcombinationUnsupported CPUsteppingdetected.Processor(s) is not supportedby the system.Install a supported processoror processor combination.See "Processors" onpage 103.Unsupported DIMMdetected. Thefollowing DIMMhas beendisabled:xInvalid memoryconfiguration. The systemruns but with the specifiedmemory module disabled.Ensure that the memorymodules are installed in avalid configuration. See"General Memory ModuleInstallation Guidelines" onpage 81.Message Causes Corrective Actions