PageDefault settingSpeaker SetupPageDefault settingAuto Setup45Advanced Setup – Part 2 Advanced Setup – Part 2System setup items and default values (set upon shipment from the factory)1. Auto Setup1 Auto Setup Set this to switch the surround backchannel’s power amplifier for Bi-amp use. SURROUND BACK 8 ~ 112. Speaker Setup13SpeakerConfig.CrossoverFrequencyInput the combination of speakers in your system and theircorresponding sizes (SMALL for regular speakers, LARGEfor full-size, full-range) to automatically set the compositionof the signals output from the speakers and the frequencyresponse.Sets the frequency (Hz) below which the bass sound ofthe various speaker is to be output from the subwoofer.Front Sp.LargeCenter Sp. Surround Sp.SubwooferSmall SmallYesSurround BackSp.Small / 2sp4ChannelLevelThis adjusts the volume of the signals output from thespeakers and subwoofer for the different channels in orderto obtain optimum effects.SW ModeSetupThis selects the subwoofer speaker for playing deep basssignals.5 LFE (Normal)412 Delay TimeThis parameter is for optimizing the timing with which theaudio signals are produced from the speakers andsubwoofer according to the listening position.42, 434343, 44Power AmpAssign.FrontL & R Center SurroundL & RSubwoofer3.6 m 3.6 m 3.0 m3.6 mSurround BackL & R3.0 m41, 42FrontLFrontR Center Surround R Subwoofer0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dBSurround L0 dBSurroundBack R0 dBSurroundBack L0 dB80 Hz3. Input SetupPageDefault settingInput Setup36Digital InAssign.This assigns the digital input terminals for thedifferent input sources.InputsourceDigitalInputsCD DVD / VDP TV / DBS VCR-1COAX1 OPT1 OPT2 COAX212 Ext In SWLevel Sets the Ext. In Subwoofer terminal playback level. Subwoofer = +15 dB36InputFunctionLevelThe playback level can be corrected individually for thedifferent input sources.TUNERPHONO CD CDR /TAPEDVD /VDP TV / DBS0 dB0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB 0 dB3 VCR-20 dBVCR-10 dBV. AUX0 dB4 FunctionRenameThe names of the different input source can be changed asdesired and displayed on the display. 375 ComponentIn Assign.This assigns the color difference (component) video inputterminals for the different input sources. 376 Auto TunerPresetFM stations are received automatically and stored in thememory.A1 ~ A8B1 ~ B8C1 ~ C8D1 ~ D8E1 ~ E887.5 / 89.1 / 98.1 / 108.0 / 90.1 / 90.1 / 90.1 / 90.1 MHz522 / 603 / 999 / 1404 / 1611 kHz, 90.1 / 90.1 / 90.1 MHz90.1 MHz90.1 MHz90.1 MHzF1 ~ F8G1 ~ G890.1 MHz90.1 MHz3836TUNERPHONO CD CDR DVD TV VCR-2VCR-1 V. AUXCDR / TAPEOPT3DVD / VDP TV / DBS VCR-1 VCR-2VIDEO1 VIDEO2 VIDEO3 OFFV. AUXOFF