Denon AVR-X4400H Manual
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Safety Instructions (Read these safety instructions before operating the unit.) DENON0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONSA . ··~,-.IRISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK IDONOTOPEN ICAUTION:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK) . NO USER·SERVICEABLEPARTS INSIDE . REFER SERVICING TO QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL.The lightning flash with arrowhead symbo l, within an equilateral triangle, is intended to alert the user tothe presence of uninsula t ed "dangerous voltage" with in the product's enclosure that may be of sufficientmagnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock to pe rsons.The exclamation point within an equilateral triangle is intended to alert the use r to the presence ofimpo rtant operating and mainte nance (servicing) inst ructions in the literature accompanying the appliance .WARNING:TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ARE OR ELECTRIC SHOCK , DO NOT EXPOSE THIS APPLIANCE TO RAIN OR MOISTURE.0 IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1. Read tllese 1nstruct1ons .2. Keep these instructions.3. Heed all warnings.4. Follow all instruct ions .5. Do no t use this apparatus near water.6. Clean only with dry clo th.7. Do not block any vent ilation openings .Insta ll in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.8. Do not install near any heat sources such as radiators, heat regis t ers, stoves, or ot her apparatus {including amp lifiers}that produce heat9. Do not defeat the sa f ety purpose of the polarized or ground ing-type plug. A po larized plug has two blades with onewide r t han the other. A grounding type plug has t wo blades and a th ird ground ing prong. The wide blade or thethird prong are provided for your safety. If t he provided plug does no t fit in to your out let. consu lt an electric ian forreplacement of the obsolete outlet.10. Protec t the power cord f rom being walked on or pinc hed particularly at plugs, convenience receptacles, and the pointwhere they ex it from the apparatus . ®11. Only use attachments/accessories spec ified by the manufacturer. ~12. ~h~e a~~~r;~~. t. ~h~~~ ~~ar~1~ ~~e0t ub::cc~e~ti~~ ~~=ns~~.~ i~g t~Y.e 1 ~:rt~~~1r!~~~r~~~~i~~~~o~i~~13. ~vno~1u~~~~ ~g~r~~~v~~~ing lightning storms or when unused for long periods of t ime . :. ~ ~14. Refer all serv1c 1ng to qualified service personnel. Servic in g IS requ1red when the apparatus has been ~damaged in any way, such as power-supply cord or plug is damaged , liquid has been spi lled or objec ts have fallen intothe appa ratus, the appa ratus has been exposed to rain or moisture, does not operate norma lly, or has been dropped.15. Batter ies sha ll not be exposed to excessive heat such as suns hine, fire or the like.0 FCC INFORMATION (For US customers)1. COMPLIANCE INFORMATIONTh is product comp lies wi th Part 15 of the FCC Rules . Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) thisproduct may not cause ha rmful interference, and (2) th is product mus t accep t any interference received, includ inginterfere nce that may ca use undesired operation.Denon Electronics (USAI. LLC Ia D&M Holdings Company)100 Corpo rate Drive, Mahwah, NJ 0743{}-2041Tel.(20 1) 762-66652. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS PRODUCTThis product, when installed as indicated in the instruct ions contained in this manual, meets FCC requirements .Modification not expressly approved by De non may void your authority, granted by the FCC, to use the produc t.3. NOTEThis product has been tested and found to comp ly with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules . These limits are designed to provide reasonab le protection against harmful interference in a residentialinstal lationThis product genera tes. uses and can radiate rad io frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordancewith the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communica t ions. However, t here is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a part icular installation. If th is product does cause harmfu l interference to radio or televisionrecep ti on. which can be determined by turning the product OFF and ON, the user is encouraged to try td correct t heinterference by one or more of the following measures :• Reorient or relocate the rece iving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the product into an outlet on a circuit different from t hat to which t he receive r is connected .• Consult the local re tailer authorized to distribute this type of product or an experienced rad io I TV technician for help .4. IMPORTANT (For Network model)When connect ing th is produc t to network hub or router. use only a shielded STP or ScTP LAN cable whic h is availableat retailer.Follow all installatio n instruct ions . Fa ilure to follow inst ruct ions could vo id your authority, granted by the FCC , to usethe product.5. CAUTION (Fo r Bluetooth/W i -Fi model)• To comply with FCC RF exposure comp liance requirement, separa ti on distance of at least 20 em must be maintainedbetween this product and all pe rsons.• This product and its antenna must not be co -located or ope rating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter .0 IC INFORMATION (For Canadian customers)CAN IC ES-3IBI I NMB -31BICAUTION:To complete ly disconnect this product from the mains. disconnec t the plug from the wa ll socket outlet.The mains plug is used to completely interrup t the power supply to the unit and must be within easyaccess by the user .PRECAUTION:Pour deconnecter comp l8tement ce prod uit du courant secteu r. debranchez Ia prise de Ia pr ise murale .La prise secteu r est utilisee pour coupe r compl8 t eme nt !'a li mentation de l'apparei l et l' utilisateur do itpouvoir y acceder faci lement.PRECAUCI6N:Para desconectar comple t amente este producto de Ia alimentaci6n electr ica, desconecte el ench ufe delenchufe de Ia pared .El enchufe de Ia alimentaciO n electrica se utiliza para interrump ir par comp lete el sum inistro de alimentaci6 nellktrica a Ia unidad y debe de encontrarse en un Iugar al que el usuario tenga fcicil acceso .ATENCAO:Para des ligar es te produ to comp letamente da tomada de alimentar;ao, retire a ficha da tomada dealimentat;ao.A ficha da tomada de ali mentar;ao e ut il izada para corta r completamente a al imentar;ao de Corrente aunidade e tem de estar faci!mente acessfvel ao uti lizador.CAUTIONS ON INSTALLATIONFo r proper heat dispersal, do not install this unit in a confi ned space, such as a bookcase or simila renclosure .• Amplifier: 0.3 m or more• Other un its: 0.1 m or morePRECAUTIONS D'INSTALLATIONPour perme t tre Ia dissi pation de chaleur requise, n' installez pas cette un ite dans un espace confine telqu'une bib lio t h8que ou un endroit similaire.• Amplif icateu r: 0,3 m ou plus• Autres apparei ls: 0,1 m ou plusEMPLAZAMIENTO DE LA INSTALACI6NPara Ia dispersi6n de l calor adecuadamente. no instale este equipo en un Iuga r con f inado tal como unalib rerfa o un idad sim ilar.• Amplif icador : 0,3 m o mas• Otras unidades: 0,1 m o masPRECAUCOES DE INSTALACAOPara uma correcta dispersao do calor, nao insta le esta unidade num espar;o con finado, como uma estantede livros ou uma est rut ura semelhante .• Ampl ificado r: 0.3 m ou ma is• Out ros unidades: 0.1 m ou mais0 NOTES ON USE I OBSERVATIONS RELATIVES A L'UTILISATION I NOTAS SOBRE EL USO INOTAS SOBRE A UTILIZA(:AOWARNINGS• Avo id high tempera tu res.Allow for sufficient hea t dispersion whenins t alled in a rack.• Handle the power cord ca ref ull y.Ho ld t he plug when unplugging the cord .• Keep the unit free from moisture, water, anddust.• Un plug the powe r co rd when not us ing the unitfor long periods of t ime .• Do not obst ruct the ven t ilat ion ho les.• Do not le t foreign objects into t he unit .• Do not le t insect icides, benzene , and th innercome in contact with the uni t.• Never disassemble or modi fy t he unit in any way .• Venti lation should no t be impeded by cove ringthe venti lation open ings with it ems, such asnewspape rs. t ablecloths or curtains .• Naked flame sou rces such as lighted candlesshould not be placed on the unit.• Observe and follow loca l regula t ions regard ingbattery disposaL• Do not expose the unit to dripping or splash ingfl uids .• Do not place objects filled with liquids, such asvases . on t he unit.• Do not handle the mains cord wi th wet hands.• When t he sw itch ts in the OFF (STANDBY )position. the equipment is not complete lyswitched of f from MA INS.• The equ ipment shall be installed near thepower supply so that the power supp ly is easilyaccess ible.• Do not keep t he battery in a place exposed todirect su nligh t or in places with extremely hightemperatu res , such as near a heater .• Do not bend fo rcedly the plug on the equ ipmentfor the co nnection between the connec t or andmicro USB/USB cab le.AVERTISSEMENTS• Eviter des temperatu res 91evees.Tenir compte d' une dispe rsio n de cha leursuff isante Iars de !'insta ll ation sur une 9tag8re .• Manipuler le cordon d'alimentat ion avecprecaution.Tenir Ia prise Iars du d9bra nchement du cordon .• Proteger l'apparei l contre l'humid ite, l' ea u et Iapoussi8re .• Debranc her le cordon d'a limentatio n lorsquel'apparei l n'est pas ut ilise pendant de longuesperiodes• Ne pas obst ruer les trous d' aeration.• Ne pas laisser des ob j ets 8trangers dansl'apparei l.• Ne pas mett re en contact des insec ti cides. dube nzene et un diluant avec l'appareiL• Ne jamais demonter ou mod ifier l 'apparei l d' uneman i8re ou d' une autre.• Ne pas recouvrir les or ifi ces de vent ilation avecdes objets tels que des journaux, nappes ourideaux. Cela entraverait Ia ven tilation.• Ne jamais placer de flam me nue sur l'apparei l,notamme nt des bougies allumees .• Veillez arespecter les lois en vigueur lorsqu evous jetez les piles usagees.• L'appareil ne doit pas etre expose al'eau ou al'hum idite .• Ne pas pose r d'objet conte nant du liquide, parexample un vase, sur l'appa reil.• Ne pas manipuler le cordon d'alimentatio n avecles mai ns mou illees.• Lo rsque l' interrupteu r est su r Ia position OFF(S TANDBY).I ' appa reil n'est pas comp18 t ementdeconnec te du SECTEUR (MAINS) .• L' appare il sera installe pres de Ia sourced'alimentation, de sorte que cette derni8re so itf acilement accessible .• Ne placez pas Ia pile dans un endroit expose aIa lumi8re directe du soleil ou dans des end roitsprese ntant des tempe ratures extremementelevees, pa r exemple pres d'un radiateu r.• Ne pliez pas Ia fiche su r l'appareil en fon;an t pourcon necter Ia borne au cab le micro USB/US B.ADVERTENCIAS• Evite altas temperaturas .Permite Ia suf iciente dispe rsi6n del calor cuandoesta insta lado en Ia consola.• Maneje el cordOn de energia con cu idadoSostenga el enchufe cuando desconecte elcordOn de energia .• Mantenga el eq uipo libre de humedad, agua ypolvo .• Desconecte el cor dOn de energia cuando nouti lice el equipo par mucho tiempo.• No obstruya los orificios de ve ntilaci 6n.• No deje objetos extra nos dentro del equipo.• No permita el contacto de insect icidas, gaso lina ydiluyentes con el equipo.• Nunca desarme o modifique el equipo de ningunamanera .• La ventilaci6n no debe quedar obstru ida parhaberse cu bierto las aperturas con objetos comoper i6dicos, manteles o cor t inas.• No deberan coloca rse sabre el aparato f uentesinflamables sin protecci6n, como velasencendidas .• A Ia hora de deshacerse de las pilas, respete Ianorma t iva para el cu idado de l media ambiente .• No exponer el aparato al goteo o sa lpicadurascuando se ut ilice .• No colocar sabre el apa rato objetos !Ienos delf qu ido, como jarros.• No maneje el cab le de allmentac i6n con lasmanos mojadas.• Cuando el interrup t or es ta en Ia posiciOn OFF(S TANDBY ), el equ ipo no esta completamentedesconectado de Ia alimentac iOn MAINS.• El equipo se instalara cerca de Ia fuente dealimentaciOn de mane ra que resulte tacil accede ra ella.• No co loque las pilas en un Iugar expu esto aIa lu z directa del so l o do nde Ia tempera t urasea extremadamente alta. como cerca de unacalefacci6n .• No doble a Ia fuerza Ia clavija del equipo para Iaconexi6n entre el conector y el ca ble micro USB/USB.AVISO$• Evite tempe rat uras altas .Assegure uma suficiente dispers ao do calorquando a uni dade for instalada numa prateleira.• Manuseie o cabo de alimentar;ao com cui da do.Puxe pela ficha quando desligar o cabo dealimenta980.• Mante nha a unidade af astada da hum idade , daagua e do p6 .• Desligue o cabo de alimentar;ao quando naoestiver a ut ilizar a unidade por longos perfodos detempo .• Nao obst rua os orificios de ventila9ao.• Nao deixe objectos est ranhos dentro da uni dade .• Nao permita que insecticidas, be nzi na e dil uenteentrem em contacto com a unidade .• Nunca desmonte ou modif ique de alguma f ormaa unidade .• A ventila980 nao deve ser obstru id a, tapandoas aberturas de vent ilar;ao com obj ectos . comojorna is, t oalhas ou cortin as.• Nao devem ser colocadas junto a unidade fontesde chama aberta. como velas acesas.• Respe ite as regu lamenta96es locais relativas aeliminar;ao de pilh as .• Nao exponha a un idade a gotejamento ou sa lpicosde lf quidos .• Nao colo que objectos com liquidos, como ja rras ,em cima da unidade.• Nao manuseie o cabo de al imentar;ao com asmaos mo lhadas .• Quando o inter rupter se encontra na posir;aoOFF (STANDBY), o equipamento nao es tacompletamente desligado da REDE ELECTRICA!MAINS ).• 0 equ ip am ento deve se r ins talado junto da fon tede alimentar;ao, para que a fonte de ali mentar;aoes teja f acil mente acess ivel.• Nao man t en ha a pilha num local di rectament eexpos to aluz so lar ou em locais com temperaturasextremamen te elevadas . t al como perto de umaquecedor.• Nao dobre forcedly o plugue do equipame nto paraa conexao entre o conector e cabo USB I mi croUSB.D&M Holdings Inc.5431 10359 50ADVQE 1A90 1Z |
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